比邻学堂高而基考研心理学系列是针对心理学考研进行编写的标准的教辅书。本书对知识进行了深度和全面的梳理与整合,覆盖全部核心考点,同时在312考试大纲的基础上进行了调整、完善、充实,对自主命题的考生也同样适用。全书逻辑性强,条理清晰,能帮助考生在较短时间内进行有效学习。Haw Lantern
Widely and justly celebrated for his flawless handling of the lyric, Seamus Heaney is here shown venturing into new imaginative territory. Poems exploring the theme of loss, and in particular a sonnet sequence concerning the death of the poet's mother, are joined in The Haw Lantern by meditations on the conscience of the writer and exercises in an allegorical vein that will both surprise and delight the many admirers of his previous work. 'More than other poet since Wordsworth he can make us understand that the outside world is not outside, but what we are made of.' John Carey, Sunday Times男人是加法,女人是减法