In the dead of night, Naomi Forman receives a phone call. Barney Harrigan, the man she once loved—now happily married with children—utters, "My wife Charlotte has been captured by the Glories." What began as a rude interruption of her night becomes a horrifying interruption of her life, as she is unable to ignore Barney's cry for help.Drawn into the Glory Church doomsday cult by her estranged sister, Charlotte Harrigan succumbs to the will of the enigmatic Father Glory. Brainwashed beyond comprehension, she is now only one of many who have been entrapped by the cult's promise of rebirth into a new, idyllic life.妃子狠毒,第一废材狂妃
当21世纪暗黑世界叱咤风云的至尊女特工,转眼成为云苍大陆的花痴废材皇后。虾米?!新婚夜被渣皇帝放鸽子?堂堂嫡女还被路边捡来的小养女逆袭成为女主?一介皇后还被冷宫虐待最后上吊致死?……当强者之魂,霸气重生时翻天覆地就要你好看。我冷玄裳可不是这任人欺负的软脚虾!渣皇帝不爱?滚粗!姐还不稀罕当皇后!白莲花养女各种阴谋诡计,懒得接招,一脚踢飞你!看清楚别搞错了,谁是你姐姐!?各种暗杀刺杀,阴谋阳谋,实话告诉你们,你们玩的都是姐剩下的!嚣张,是有资本,狂妄,是够强大,不可一世,乃是天纵奇才。冷眼睥睨,看尽人间魑魅魍魉,素手轻覆,操作凡间生离死别。她要夺回属于这个名字的一切,重塑昔日辉煌,搅翻异世,成就万皇之皇!***********章节节选**************冷玄棠诧异的抬头,只看到一只浑身血红的大鹏鸟朝着自己的方向飞了过来,而在大鹏鸟的背上,坐着一个白衣飘飘宛如神人般的男子。男子面色清冷,浑身散发着一股上位者的气势,单单是那可怕的气势,就压得人没有任何反抗的勇气。那一双狭长的凤眸,此时带着几分诧异的神色落在冷玄棠的身上。Cause to Hide (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 3)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling mystery author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO HIDE (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 3).Bodies are being found in the outskirts of Boston, their corpses burned beyond recognition, as the police realize a new serial killer is roaming the streets. As the media converges and the pressure is upped, the Boston Police Department must turn to its most brilliant—and controversial—homicide detective: Avery Black.