她是二十一世纪的少女,有着对生活的向往、幻想与追求。她拥有姣好的面容以及良好的家世背景,只是没想到有天会被好友推下山崖并且穿越到这个知名的时空…她不知道是怎样遇到他的?只不过从此后她就不是她了,她被他改变了容貌,从此灌上了别人的名字生活…目前男主人物简介:邪神:他武功天下第一,自始打遍天下难逢敌手;他医术精湛,死人他也有办法让他复活;他用毒极至,就算是天下最毒的鹤顶红也不放在眼里;他有令人畏惧的权势,但却以邪奸自诩,所以他要看天下大乱,不为别的,只为满足他邪恶的内心。只是曾几何时看到她心中多了那么点涟猗。月蜮:他是被兄弟姐妹泄欲的对象。机缘巧合下他遇到了邪神,并且爱上了他。最终他要求邪神将自己变成女人,从此跟在邪神身边效力。可遇到她后,他的心竟开始莫名的悸动。夜蜮(蝙蝠怪):他是邪神用吸血蝙蝠的脑子加上人的身体打造的怪物。邪神创造他只是为了把他变成采花大盗,所以在他的眼里除了情欲还是情欲。可他见到她后,内心开始理智。龙逸敖:天羽国四王爷。他掌握着全国百分之八十的军队,更是全国首富,红颜知己遍布天下,但他的心只为她停留。叶子青:武林盟主,天下第一楼楼主。是她现在这个身份的未婚夫。既使后来他发现她不是原来的她,依然对她深爱无悔。平陵:死亡团首领,江湖第一杀手。在一次刺杀行动中受伤,被她救下后就身不由己的爱上她。昶野:魔门门主。涉及江湖各行各业的神秘组织,终身与武林正道为敌,为了打击叶子青恶意的将她绑架,最后还是敌不她的诱惑。水恒子:大氓国国师,先知派掌门。拥有神奇的占卜能力,轻易的洞悉她的身世。一次偶然的邂逅,让他愿意放弃一切陪她归隐田园。天君:相当神秘的人物,传说是血族君上,唯一能与邪神分均力敌之人。派人几次置她死地,可一次偶遇让他对她始终无法忘怀。====================================推荐雪的新文:《傲倾苍穹》推荐好友文文:倏久安然《许你一夜长眠》落叶孤单《暴君,你好坏!》我最近一直在看这书,非常好看,你也赶紧去看看!....^_^The Chronicles of Faerie
In this book, which School Library Journal called ?lyrical and mesmerizing,? eighteen-year-old Laurel arrives in Ireland on the anniversary of her sister?s mysterious death, to take up her twin?s failed mission to find the Summer King and save Faerie.Gorilla Tactics (Dr. Critchlore's School for M
The second book in this hilarious, illustrated series cracks the imaginative world of minions wide open, and we meet the other schools and Evil Overlords that surround Dr. Critchlore's. Runt Higgins needs answers, fast. Someone cursed him to die on his sixteenth birthday, but no one seems to know who cursed him or why. Runt decides he must find the Great Library, where all true knowledge is hidden. Unfortunately, the only people who know the location of the Great Library are a covert network of librarian-spies who'd rather die than give up the Library's secrets. And when one of Runt's professors is attacked, it soon becomes clear that others are also out to find the Library at any cost. Meanwhile, Runt's not the only one whose days are numbered. To save the floundering school from an inevitable sale, Dr. Critchlore takes some desperate measures. His master plan to save the school: a fashion show.宠妻无度:总裁,请自重