西夏元年十月,西夏国册封三公主冷幽璃为太女,六国国主亲临六年前曾轰动一时的西夏国二公主冷薄情走出六年未曾踏出一步的冷宫,在六国国主与西夏国主瞪大的瞳孔中,手起刀落,斩杀了将要成为西夏太女的三公主冷幽璃——众人震惊,面色齐变。六年,二千多个日夜,说长不长,说短不短。当所有人都淡忘当年那个惊才绝艳,风华绝代的西夏二公主时,她却用着更为震惊世人的面目,从冷宫深处一步一步走出,直至众人心底.整整六年,冷薄情一步一步让自己强大起来,直至再也不需要人挡在她的身前——凤凰涅槃,浴火重生,再度出现在众人面前,她早已不是当初那个冷傲淡漠的女子,她凌厉,阴冷,邪肆,魅惑,风华绝代,惊才绝艳!当现代女王穿越到古代被打入冷宫的二公主身上,便已注定,这片大陆将再无安宁!P:本文NP!女强!【简介无能。。。。简而言之,此女重生前不是什么善茬,重生后更不是什么善茬。】The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ
Upon its hardcover publication, renowned author Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ provoked heated debates and stirred a frenzy of controversy throughout the clerical and literary worlds alike with its bold retelling of the life of Jesus wkkk.net this remarkable piece of fiction, famously atheistic author Philip Pullman challenges the events of the Gospels and puts forward his own compelling and plausible version of the life of Jesus. Written with unstinting authority, The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ is a pithy, erudite, subtle, and powerful book by a beloved author, a text to be read and reread, studied and unpacked, much like the Good Book itself.重生之洗净铅华始见你