人死了,听说是会下地狱的。但是,为什么我死了就成了英灵?源,那是啥?幼女吗?难道不是两只萝莉?啥?还有任务?拯救世界?我能不去吗?可以啊,那就好……等等!那是……动漫啊啊啊啊啊!!!这是一个在无数的动漫世界里面拯救世界的英灵的故事(大概?)。(全文重写,放心,会写的咕咕咕)(顺手建了个群,不知道干啥,就……反正有人来陪陪孤寡作者呢,瑟瑟发抖。群号:853143827)Forever, Plus One (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 6
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)FOREVER, PLUS ONE is book #6 in the bestselling romance series The Inn at Sunset Harbor, which begins with book #1, For Now and Forever—a free download!35 year old Emily Mitchell is still reeling from the surprise news that she is pregnant. Just married, she and Danielle have no time to process the news as they are thrust into doctor appointments, preparing for the baby's arrival—and, in a surprise party, the revelation of their baby's gender.