《大牛市·股殇》在出版之前,已经在网络上流传很广。作为专业描写大牛市的图书,盈亏、涨跌、多空、贪婪、恐惧,小说几乎写尽了股市的方方面面,其中的描写与分析被越来越多的对冲基金和套利机构当作教程和案例研究与应用,许多投资者更是将其当成投资圣经研读与收藏。作为小说,本书描写了一个精彩跌荡的吸金故事:上海陆家嘴最牛证券部老总张松海,年轻有为,不到30岁已跻身金融圈上流,在上司谢佳人的帮助下,秘密接引境外热钱,伙同关系人炒作A股,在牛市到来前野心勃勃,最终无法克服贪欲,共同走向罪恶的深渊……而两个没有任何身世学历背景的年轻人王志和孙超,却在牛市当中成长起来,攀升到了职业的颠峰……Before He Needs (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5)
From Blake Pierce, bestselling author of ONCE GONE (a #1 bestseller with over 900 five star reviews), comes book #5 in the heart-pounding Mackenzie White mystery series.In BEFORE HE NEEDS (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 5), FBI special agent Mackenzie White finds herself summoned to crack a case she has never encountered before: the victim is not a man or a woman—but a couple.The third couple found dead in their homes this month.As Mackenzie and the FBI scramble to figure out who would want happily-married couples dead, her search takes her deep into a disturbing world and subculture. She quickly learns that all is not what it seems behind the picket fences of perfectly-suburban homes—and that darkness lurks at the edge of even the happiest-seeming families.师妹难当:高冷师兄霸道爱