作为本命貂蝉的我。。竟然穿越了?别人穿越的都是古代什么的,为什么我穿到了王者峡谷。。重要的是,我变成了貂蝉?喂喂喂,前面的吕布站着!李白哥哥你别这样,我已经有子龙哥哥了!呃,子龙哥哥别误会,随便说说的........[本人第一次写书,不喜勿喷~]Elizabeth and Zenobia
Abandoned by her mother and neglected by her scientist father, timid Elizabeth Murmur has only her fearless friend, Zenobia, for company. And Zenobia's company can be very trying! When Elizabeth's father takes them to live in his family home, Witheringe House, Zenobia becomes obsessed with finding a ghost in the creepy old mansion and forces Elizabeth to hold séances and wander the rooms at night. With Zenobia's constant pushing, Elizabeth investigates the history of the house and learns that it does hold a terrible secret: Her father's younger sister disappeared from the grounds without a trace years wkkk.netth and Zenobia is a wonderfully compelling middle-grade story about friendship, courage, and the power of the imagination.