“趣味科学馆”丛书,是一套自然科学类读物。丛书包罗科学的多个领域,涉及“信息化”、“绿色革命”、“发明、“生态资源”、“航天”、“军事”、“日食、月食”等当下热门关键词,有引领读者关注热点、提升其认识水平的现实价值。刘芳主编的《军事世界大扫描》为丛书之一。《军事世界大扫描》内容涉及军事世界的各个侧面,并进行合乎逻辑的排列组合。文字浅显易懂,生动活泼。Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
This is a dazzling collection of occasional writings by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist on subjects ranging from Thermopylae to the English Channel, and from Coral Island to Jules Verne. "e;A book of occasional essays which afford us many fascinating insights into Golding the man…It is highly individual yet profoundly modest; it has an unusual, slightly angular candour, full of painful knowledge and a beautiful humanity …event the slightest piece bears the mark of his rare, austere mind, his remarkable imagination…Even these occasional essays are enough to remind us that …there is not, at the moment, a writer to touch him"e;. (New Society).教育:从自发走向自觉