一纸婚约,一段情缘。她与他的人生就此绑到了一起,却亦将她带入了尔虞我诈的泥潭。姐姐的算计,私生女的风波。一切的一切彻底的击垮了她内心的防线。就在他勇敢的拉起她的手的时候,说一切有我的时候,她却怕了。再归来,却是他和别的女人的婚礼……有人曾问林逸凡今生最怕什么,他答:我不害怕一无所有流落街头,我只害怕没有她,一向不喜形于色的大男人,竟在这一刻红了眼,最后,他还是丢了她。……尹诺说,你从未对我说过爱,我却一厢情愿,把你待我的好当做了爱,最后才发现,我不过是你眼中那个合适的人,是你的责任罢了……他酩酊大醉,我总以为她是爱我的,所以我把她控在我身边,最后蹉跎了她的人生,我该放过她了……Cause to Save (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)
"A dynamic story line that grips from the first chapter and doesn't let go."--Midwest Book Review, Diane Donovan (regarding Once Gone)From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a new masterpiece of psychological suspense: CAUSE TO SAVE (An Avery Black Mystery—Book 5)—the final installment in the Avery Black series.In the epic finale of the Avery Black series, serial killer Howard Randall has escaped, and the entire city of Boston is on edge. Women are turning up gruesomely murdered, and everyone suspects Howard is at it again.When Boston's most brilliant and controversial homicide detective—Avery Black—is herself stalked—and when people close to her are brutally killed, one by one—it seems the city's worst fears are confirmed.But Avery is not so sure. The murders remind her of something she once saw in her past. They remind her of something too close to her heart—something that had to do with a secret she thought she had buried long ago….课外侦探组(番外版):密林虎踪