由我而史 谁来书写小草的历史?
每个人都是历史的创造者,是历史的当事者,是历史的见证者,也应是历史的记录者和书写者,这是新历史合作社自始坚持的理念。“历史嘉年华2013”以“我写我历史”为主题,从名人到普通人,纷纷登台分享“我的历史”。作为“历史嘉年华2013”及新历史合作社年度特刊,我们将看到的这一组文章中,有文学家之手笔,有治史者的反思,也有中学生的探寻,但一个共同特点是,他们不再将自己淹没于历史洪流之中,掩藏于宏大的叙事之下,而是作为“一个高贵的人”,记录自己的生命轨迹。Materialist Conception of History
本书为公版书,为不受著作权法限制的作家、艺术家及其它人士发布的作品,供广大读者阅读交流。汇聚授权电子版权。Spell of the Island
When Emma's sister travels to the exotic island of Mauritius in pursuit of a man who's clearly toying with her heart, Emma is determined to rescue her. But when she arrives on the island, she meets the man herself--handsome, arrogant Paul Fanchotte--and is immediately smitten.Paul is gorgeous, sensual, and infuriating--and soon Emma completely understands her sister's dilemma. It's not long before she is caught in a web of desire--and falls desperately in love. But Paul has made a vow never to fall for a woman. Can Emma make him break that vow--or will it be her heart that's broken?巾帼红颜:杀手皇妃不太冷