本书是自媒体红人欣欣熳首本治愈随笔集,本书文字未出版便已火遍网络,书中文字也曾被无数大号争相转载。50篇真挚故事,关于成长中的的彷徨、工作、感情等问题,作者提出了自己独到犀利的观点,一针见血……每一篇热文都直指年轻人所面临的困境,可以使纠结、迷茫的你醍醐灌顶、豁然开朗。愿你道路漫长,以梦为马,随处可栖。曾不堪一击,最后终将变得刀枪不入。愿你在平淡日子里仍对世界保持好奇,历尽沧桑,依旧温暖善良。The Classic Mantle
In The Classic Mantle, acclaimed sportswriter Buzz Bissinger tells the story of Mickey Mantle's unforgettable career. Mantle has long been considered one of baseball's most memorable figuresplaying his entire 18-year baseball career for the New York Yankees (195168), winning 3 American League MVP titles, playing in 20 All-Star games, and winning 7 World Series. Today, more than 40 years after his retirement, he still holds 6 World Series records, including most home runs (18). Bissinger goes beyond the statistics to bring Mantle to life, and stunning photographs by Marvin E. Newman make this book a fitting tribute to Mantle's career and his lasting impact on the sport of baseball. Praise for The Classic Mantle: Even if you're a Yankee hater, you can't help but love this bookand Mickey Mantle.” The Buffalo News