The Steep and Thorny Way
A thrilling reimagining of Shakespeare's Hamlet, The Steep and Thorny Way tells the story of a murder most foul and the mighty power of love and acceptance in a state gone terribly rotten. ?1920s Oregon is not a welcoming place for Hanalee Denney, the daughter of a white woman and an African-American man. She has almost no rights by law, and the Ku Klux Klan breeds fear and hatred in even Hanalee's oldest friendships. Plus, her father, Hank Denney, died a year ago, hit by a drunk-driving teenager. Now her father's killer is out of jail and back in town, and he claims that Hanalee's father wasn't killed by the accident at all but, instead, was poisoned by the doctor who looked after him—who happens to be Hanalee's new stepfather. ?The only way for Hanalee to get the answers she needs is to ask Hank himself, a "haint" wandering the roads at night.花语绝恋之离落梨花(全)
(梨花的花语:纯情、纯真的爱、一辈子的守侯)孤苦无依,无人理,便叫离儿。她本以为自己会在李府里安度一生,无奈为了对自己百般好的小姐,代她出选秀女。什么都过人的她不想要去争什么,也不愿当什么妃嫔美人,只想像小姐一样守着一个人度过一生。但在勾心斗角的皇宫里是做不到你不范人,别人就不范你的。往往你越是越什么都不在乎的话,就要被人利用陷害了。离儿她有着自己心中一个简单的愿望,忍受所有的风暴,只想等到期满之时,出了这深宫,找个所爱之人共度此生。但她这个小小的愿望都不能实现,她稀里糊涂就失身了,却不想自己居然失身给个公公!这要她怎么办?如何是好啊……身虽无缎络绸衣,素雅青衣更显柔美;发虽无银钿金钗,清素木簪难掩青丝;杨柳细腰尽显娇,夜伴水声暗香自来;未见其面心已动,不知女子是美是丑?一个阴谋套着另一个阴谋,这到底又是谁的阴谋?当答案揭晓的那一刻,改变的是什么?—————————————————————————————————————————————好友宝贝要幸福——《穿越之美男要嫁我》搞笑轻松小文文~~~http://m.wkkk.net/a/83795/漫落群号:50761847(加时请写一个漫落的小说名)Once Craved (a Riley Paige Mystery--Book #3)
ONCE CRAVED is book #3 in the bestselling Riley Paige mystery series, which begins with ONCE GONE (Book #1)!When prostitutes turn up dead in Phoenix, not much attention is paid. But when a pattern of disturbing murders is discovered, the local police soon realize a serial killer is on a rampage and they are in way over their heads. Given the unique nature of the crimes, the FBI, called in, knows they will need their most brilliant mind to crack the case: Special Agent Riley Paige.Riley, recovering from her last case and trying to pick up the pieces of her life, is at first reluctant. But when she learns of the grievous nature of the crimes and realizes the killer will soon strike again, she is compelled. She begins her hunt for the elusive killer and her obsessive nature takes her too far—perhaps too far, this time, to pull herself back from the brink.