她,杨氏集团豪门千金,后妈欺凌,好友欺骗,生日当天更遭男友背叛,心灰意冷。2年后携女归来,董事会上争权夺位,商场上叱咤风云,。李铭浩:“你这辈子,只能是我的女人!”陈毅博:“今生今世非你不娶!”林泽枫:“今生,我永远是你的守护天使!”杨若言不为所动,带着女儿远走他国。女儿杨星悦:“麻麻,去抢个别人的好爸爸,给我生个弟弟吧!”Second Tomorrow
When Clare's fiancé dies, she's devastated, and she vows to keep his memory alive. But then, on the warm, sunny beaches of the Caribbean, she meets handsome and arrogant Luke Mortimer--a man determined to win her heart. Luke pursues Clare relentlessly, but she's torn between holding on to the memory of the man she once loved and allowing herself to fall again. Will she stay faithful to a long-dead lover, or give in to the man who pursues her?