The Painted Bird
Originally published in 1965, The Painted Bird established Jerzy Kosinski as a major literary figure. Kosinski's story follows a dark-haired, olive-skinned boy, abandoned by his parents during World War II, as he wanders alone from one village to another, sometimes hounded and tortured, only rarely sheltered and cared for. Through the juxtaposition of adolescence and the most brutal of adult experiences, Kosinski sums up a Bosch-like world of harrowing excess where senseless violence and untempered hatred are the norm. Through sparse prose and vivid imagery, Kosinski's novel is a story of mythic proportion, even more relevant to today's society than it was upon its original publication.逼婚成宠:超能小娇妻
在进行理论阐述的同时,我们更注重实务的追求。在第3章,我们不仅介绍香港股市的5种开户方式,还详细介绍了中间的诸多细节,譬如如何和“持牌人”见面。在第6章,我们不仅告诉你港股交易如何收费,还告诉你怎样获得股市行情。在第8章,我们也讲述了股市买卖中的每一个细节。在附录,连如何打电话到香港这样的小细节,我们都替你想到了。The Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone's favorite pranksters are at it again! School's out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids' boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes' sharp minds any match for these hooligans' hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another "fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel" (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they're funny.