他是一个商人,冷血无情,唯利是图。他是一个领主,铁腕统治,君临天下。力量?财富?权力?这些不过是为之所用的工具。买下整个世界,仅仅只需要一枚金币就足够了。(猥琐发育向)(大家可以粗浅的理解为,在底魔中世纪的革命)(或者是冰火同人小指头主角(~ ̄▽ ̄)~)Station Island
The title poem from this collection is set on an island that has been a site of pilgrimage in Ireland for over a thousand years. A narrative sequence, it is an autobiographical quest concerned with 'the growth of a poet's mind'. The long poem is preceded by a section of shorter lyrics and leads into a third group of poems in which the poet's voice is at one with the voice of the legendary mad King Sweeney. 'Surpasses even what one might reasonably expect from this magnificently gifted poet.' John Carey, Sunday Times