人家的皇后都雍容华贵,母仪天下。朕的皇后:把皇上卖到歌坊,小赚一笔,够买酒喝。勾王爷,没事敲诈下,再不听话,就杀了。再没事,整治后宫的美人们,逗逗太后,践踏践踏皇上。他迎进宫的是皇后,还是妖孽。后宫怨声载道,皇上好想逃。??Old Friends
Ninety-year-old Lou quit school after the eighth grade, worked for the rest of his life, and stayed with the same woman for nearly seventy years. Seventy-two-year-old Joe was chief probation officer in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, holds a law degree, and has faced the death of a son and the raising of a mentally challenged daughter. Now, the two men are roommates in a nursing home. Despite coming from very different backgrounds, the two become close friends.With an exacting eye for detail, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Tracy Kidder examines end-of-life sorrows, joys, and unexpected surprises with poetry and compassion. Struggling to find meaning in the face of mortality, Joe and Lou experience the challenges that come with aging—with a grace and dignity that's sure to inspire.人生与命运(漫漫求知路)