《我的莲花盛开的村庄》写了一个名叫奚奎义的喇叭王的悲苦一生,因他的喇叭吹得好,所以获得了青莲姑娘的爱慕,结婚的时候,奚奎义发现嫁给自己的却是长得很丑的青莲的姐姐青菊,从此,奚奎义的苦难生活拉开了大幕,青菊和奚奎义的嫂子黄光英之间矛盾不断,最后青菊将侄女推入水中离家出走,杳无音信。解放后青莲才嫁给奚奎义。当奚奎义经历了解放前的当长工、解放初的斗地主、五八年的“大跃进”、“文革”、改革开放之后,“奚奎义一分钟一分钟地度过了一生中的七十年,像一坨泥巴被一双粗糙的手随意塑成,又随意扔在一边,七十年的风和雨尽数打在上面,被抚摸,也被剥蚀,最后终于说不出一点儿可以区别于他者的模样……”The Changeling
Oe introduces Kogito Choko, a writer in his early sixties, as he rekindles a childhood friendship with his estranged brother-in-law, the renowned filmmaker Goro Hanawa. Goro sends Kogito a trunk of tapes he has recorded of reflections about their friendship, but as Kogito is listening one night, he hears something odd. "I'm going to head over to the Other Side now," Goro says, and then Kogito hears a loud thud. After a moment of silence, Goro's voice continues: "But don't worry, I'm not going to stop communicating with you." Moments later, Kogito's wife rushes in; Goro has jumped to his death. With that, Kogito begins a far-ranging search to understand what drove his brother-in-law to suicide. His quest takes him from the forests of southern Japan to the washed-out streets of Berlin, where Kogito confronts the ghosts from his own past and that of his lifelong, but departed, friend.世界帝国史话 德意志帝国