《闲情偶寄》是清初文人李渔的一部所谓寓“庄论”于“闲情”的“闲 书”,包涵词曲、演习、声容、居室、器玩、饮馔、种植、颐养等内容。本书编选校注点评者本着“取其精华,去其糟粕”的原则,主要依据雍 正八年芥子园《笠翁一家言全集》本并参照康熙十年翼圣堂本,选取了《闲情偶寄》的《词曲部》、《演习部》的几乎全部文字,《居室部》的大部分 文字,其他各部的少量文字,约十万言,占全书篇幅的二分之一。为了便于读者阅读和理解,对书中个别难懂的字句,尤其是典故、术语、人名和地名等等,尽量详细地作了注释。Lyrics
Few of Richard Matheson's readers know that he had hopes for writing popular music. At a very early age, Matheson taught himself how to write sheet music, but his family could not afford art supplies and so he had to give up composition. But music never left his mind and when Matheson found a creative new outlet through his writing (cheaper than music, requiring only a pencil and paper), he quickly began composing both prose stories as well as poetry. He picked up music composition again at the age of seventeen, adding music to his poems. Here in Lyrics are the compositions that Matheson created, in publication for the very first time.