拥有一个身份,走过一场悲伤,有过一个爱人,这条路的尽头,等着她的必定是一场血雨腥风,【一个爱人】她爱他,他也爱她,只是为什么他们却不在一起。“蓝堂英,我尊重你的选择。”于是他选择转身选择了对另一人的臣服,没有看见她凋零的心。【一个灵魂】“蓝,你怎么不懂呢,我们可是同一个世界的人,拥有着同样的灵魂。”玖兰枢用他好看的暗红色的眼睛看着千叶蓝,话语中满是忧伤。【一个仇人】“千叶残,还真是好久不见。”千叶蓝说着,捏紧的拳头在微微的颤抖。那一年,一场意外,一场大火烧了她的童年。她用僵硬的心麻木面对,一夜之间由白鬼变成吸血鬼,从此以后同玖兰枢共享一个灵魂。黑色的世界里纯白的人,微笑的面具下是用眼泪堆砌的坚强,直到蓝堂英的到来驱散了她的寒意,而她为了他更是放下了仇恨。可是…【蓝,成为王女人吧。】【王是不会让自己的女人流眼泪的。】Troy High
Homer's Iliad, the classic tale of love and revenge, is shrewdly retold for teens in Troy High. Narrated by Cassie, a shy outsider at Troy High, the story follows the Trojans and Spartans as they declare war on the football field. After the beautiful Elena—who used to be the captain of the Spartan cheerleaders—transfers to Troy High and falls madly in love with Cassie's brother Perry, the Spartans vow that the annual homecoming game will never be forgotten. Off the football field, an escalating prank war fuels tensions between the schools. The stakes are raised when Cassie is forced to choose between the boy she loves (a Spartan) and loyalty to her family and school. Troy High will seduce readers with its cast of mythic proportions.