“很多人都不难发现,自己每天经历的工作和生活,都是由一件件琐碎的小事构成的。因为经历的小事太多,因为小事是那么得不起眼,甚至连探讨的价值都没有,很多人会忽略小事的存在。然而,就是这些容易让人忽略的小事中,恰恰蕴藏着让人难以置信的力量和价值。无数的成功源于小事,无数的失败也源于小事。达芬奇学画画时,他的老师不断地让他练习画鸡蛋,就是要让他看清楚,每一个鸡蛋都存在差别。因为老师知道,只有让他真正地看到这些细微的差别,他才能成为一流的画家。”Backteria and Other Improbable Tales
Available only in e-book format, Backteria and Other Improbable Tales is a brand new collection of short tales of terror and the unknown from master storyteller Richard Matheson. In the title story, published here for the first time, a researcher encounters an exotic new strain of virus that causes the infected person to disappear. Curiosity leads the doctor on a path of discovery which takes him deep into his own personal history and suggests the age-old warning: Be careful what you wish for.In "Getting Together", a case of mistaken identity leads to a darkly farcical story of marriage, murder, and a love that knows no bounds. The quietly threatening "Haircut" shows how a routine trim becomes a dark and terrifying experience when a barber is confronted with a sick customer who seems to him otherworldly.给你一个公司,看你怎么管(第2季)