“你的情况我去年就听说了。我回忆了一下你的成长历程,你是被宠坏的,家人宠你,学校宠你,全玫瑰镇的人都宠你,把你宠成了低能儿。你知道老虎妈妈为什么要在最佳时段培养虎崽捕食生存的本领吗?错过了,就永远学不会了。好在,人不是动物,人是可以随时改变自己的。”“道理我早就懂了。可是,我真的学不会。我完全是个废物了。”“别丧气,我要把你变废为宝。想起替你当班长,代你写作业、考试的日子,我就无地自容。那时,我是多么荒唐啊!”谢锦娜花了近一年时间来思考汪长旺的出路问题。她费力地找到了合作公司,那个叫宝力的公司计划在玫瑰镇建香精厂,引入法国先进设备和理念生产香水和系列护肤品。她这次回来就是来具体落实这个事的。LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.