(甜宠,小小虐)“周同学,我喜欢你。”“萧同学,我不喜欢你。”“周以宸,你为什么还不喜欢我。”“萧潇,你为什么还喜欢我。”“什么时候能喜欢我呀?我心好累,你知不知道?”某丫头醉酒开始抱怨驾驶座的某男。时光荏苒,尽管错过那个时候的你,却更想守护现在的你。10th Muse: Blade of Medusa
In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - the Muse of Justice, Emma Sonnet's birthright! Emma Sonnet is on the debate team, a cheerleader and popular. Everyone in high school has their secrets, hers being a superhero. This is a tale of one girl that will make a difference. When students on the swim team are missing, the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the Minotaur in time to save them.