东唐明宗康和年间,当今圣上的异母弟洛王爷因叛乱被处死。据说,洛王爷被处死还牵涉一桩秘闻,因他长得酷似先帝的姑母,承宣熙宁大长公主。先帝的亲儿子长得像先帝的姑母?这本就是一件匪夷所思的事。流言在洛阳城中一度甚嚣尘上,无奈如今洛阳城中极少有人见过故去多年的大长公主。这流言,最后也就变成了茶余饭后的一点笑料和谈资。“大长公主长得很美吗?”那些跟随着先帝成祖皇帝打天下的老臣纷纷摇头。“那为什么提起大长公主,大人们都是这副神情?”那个白发苍苍的老人,突然遥想起那个静如深水的背影,棋子落盘有万千星河般璀璨,风云异动在她眼里不过只手翻覆,金戈铁马,也难抵窥伺人心的一声轻笑。他讳莫如深,又欲语还休地流下一滴眼泪。PS:男女主姑侄关系,严格遵循“发乎情,止乎礼”的原则,因此谈情说爱的部分很少,见谅。Man of the Outback
When beautiful Sally Baxter moves to Australia, she is eager for adventure, freedom, and to make a life of her own--far from the demands of her meddling family. Her friend, Julia, owns a ranch--and when she offers to take Sally in, it seems too good to be true. But Julia's ranch is in danger. Arrogant, domineering landowner Grant Forsythe wants to buy the land--and he'll stop at nothing to get Julia to sell. At first intimidated and enraged, Sally can't help but be drawn to the handsome, determined Grant--and he makes no secret of his attraction to her.But then Grant proposes to Sally. And she can't help but wonder--is he doing it for love, or for the ranch?