叶风华重生一世,发现自己竟然拥有了双眼透视的超能力,从此以后开启赢家模式。赌石,鉴宝,样样精通,还把各种渣渣虐的不要不要的。叶风华重生一世本来已经觉得自己够逆天了,没想到却碰到一个更为逆天的老公。世上的超能力只有想不到,没有他做不到。他不仅是富可敌国的神秘巨商,还是许多国家竞相巴结谄媚的对象。他对所有人冷若冰霜,却唯独将她宠上天。Terror Tunnels
At a time when Israel is under persistent attack—on the battlefield, by international organizations, and in the court of public opinion—Alan Dershowitz presents a powerful case for Israel's just war against terrorism.In the spirit of his international bestseller The Case for Israel, Dershowitz shows why Israel's struggle against Hamas is a fight not only to protect its own citizens, but for all democracies. The nation-state of the Jewish people is providing a model for all who are threatened by terrorist groups—such as ISIS, al-Qaeda and Boko Haram.Having himself been in one of the Hamas terror tunnels, Dershowitz explains why Israel had no choice but to send in ground troops to protect its civilians against Hamas death squads.