梦到底是什么?梦告诉了我们什么?在人类的一切奥秘中,恐怕再也没有比那些来自人的内心的奥秘更让人神往的了。梦是人类精神生活的一种很特殊的现象。人对梦的思考,属于人对自身的一种审视,因而也是一种自我认识。Four Quartets
Four Quartets is the culminating achievement of T.S. Eliot's career as a poet. While containing some of the most musical and unforgettable passages in twentieth-century poetry, its four parts, 'Burnt Norton', 'East Coker', 'The Dry Salvages' and 'Little Gidding', present a rigorous meditation on the spiritual, philosophical and personal themes which preoccupied the author. It was the way in which a private voice was heard to speak for the concerns of an entire generation, in the midst of war and doubt, that confirmed it as an enduring masterpiece.