过去常说,一无所有的人办事,一个字:难。正所谓“人穷办事难”。贫穷失败、怀才不遇的人说话,一个字:轻。正所谓“人微言轻”。其实,办事不难,因为在大多数情况下,决定办事成败的并不完全是你所拥有的关系、背景和财富。有那么多成功和富有的人都曾经一贫如洗,但最终靠着自己的奋斗精神和办事绝招,一步一步改变了自己的命运和前程。本书概括起来将从三个方面提升你的办事能力:第一,树立正确的办事心态;第二,办事才能是一个人的核心能力;第三,把办事当成人生的挑战和乐趣。The Inconceivable Life of Quinn
Quinn Cutler is sixteen and the daughter of a high-profile Brooklyn politician. She's also pregnant, a crisis made infinitely more shocking by the fact that she has no memory of ever having sex. Before Quinn can solve this deeply troubling mystery, her story becomes public. Rumors spread, jeopardizing her reputation, her relationship with a boyfriend she adores, and her father's campaign for Congress. Religious fanatics gather at the Cutlers' home, believing Quinn is a virgin, pregnant with the next messiah. Quinn's desperate search for answers uncovers lies and family secrets—strange, possibly supernatural ones. Might she, in fact, be a virgin?邪医倾城:大叔,别宠我!