【霸道强势男vs双重性格女,双处双洁,绝宠】桐城所有人都知道,封家和林家斗了二十年。在封家再也斗不过时,封家女儿躺在了薄家太子爷的床上。一朝醒来,封沁沁发现自己被卖了。呵,既然父亲这么过分,她为什么要让她得逞。“我们来做个交易吧。”封沁沁扬起小小的脸,看着男人毫不畏惧。男人掀眸,勾唇一下,祸国殃民。“理由。”“我身娇体软易扑倒!”本是一段毫无感情的交易,封沁沁没有想到却得到了盛世豪宠。她直呼:嗯哼,命太好!封沁沁:时而花痴,时而忧伤,个性大胆的同时,心里又藏着小小的自卑。薄仲邺:桐城家世显赫,名门望族,薄家的太子爷,霸道,强势,杀伐决断。关于老不老的问题。某天,封沁沁斗完绿茶婊回来,心情很不爽!她勾着男人的脖子,两腿缠住他的腰,告状。“老公,林芷幽说你老了,让我离开你!”当然,原话肯定不是这样的。薄先生一个用力抱紧她,声音嘶哑。“那宝贝儿觉得我老吗?”封沁沁一个激灵,立刻识相的摇头。“不,不老,我老公一点都不老!”The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshi
A new generation of urban bootleggers is distilling whiskey at home, and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced the nuances of brown liquors. Written by the founders of Kings County Distillery, New York City's first distillery since Prohibition, this spirited illustrated book explores America's age-old love affair with whiskey. It begins with chapters on whiskey's history and culture from 1640 to today, when the DIY trend and the classic cocktail craze have conspired to make it the next big thing. For those thirsty for practical information, the book next provides a detailed, easy-to-follow guide to safe home distilling, complete with a list of supplies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful pictures, anecdotes, and tips. The final section focuses on the contemporary whiskey scene, featuring a list of microdistillers, cocktail and food recipes from the country's hottest mixologists and chefs, and an opinionated guide to building your own whiskey collection.喜劫良缘,摄政王的小娇妃