一个是东周国的太子太傅兼太学祭酒,一个是南诏的病秧子太子兼皇室影军团的主帅。一个在东周国活的潇洒惬意举国崇拜敬仰,一个在南诏活的勾心斗角如履薄冰。意外发生的一点也不意外,东周国决定派遣使团为本国太子求取南诏国公主为正妃,这等好事就毫无意外的砸在了身为太子太傅兼太学祭酒的凤云溪身上,而为了彰显南诏国对来使的尊重特派太子皇甫羽真来做接待。一次的接触他爱上了她的才华,爱上了她的睿智。一次接触她认识了他的无耻,见识了他的不择手段。为了得到她,他愿意付出任何代价,哪怕威胁她。为了躲开他,她宁愿放弃自己引以为傲的才华莫入世俗嫁为他人妇。一个要躲,一个要夺……!凤兮凤兮归故乡,遨游四海求其凰。Death in a Strange Country
Early one morning Commissario Guido Brunetti of the Venice Police confronts a grisly sight when the body of a young man is fished out of a fetid canal. All the clues point to a violent mugging, but for Brunetti the motive of robbery seems altogether too convenient. When something is discovered in the victim's apartment that suggests the existence of a high-level conspiracy, Brunetti becomes convinced that somebody, somewhere, is taking great pains to provide a ready-made solution to the wkkk.net with atmosphere and marvelous plotting, Death in a Strange Country is a superb novel in Donna Leon's chilling Venetian mystery series.爱玩会穿越:宫惑谜情