本书针对小学生作文中最常见的内容,将精彩的好句子好段落进行科学、系统地归纳,既为小学生进行写作实践提供急需的素材,又助其在借鉴经典句段中升华思想;既为其寻找到了一位常伴身旁的良师益友,又能激发其创新灵感,进入迷人的作文世界。The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.雪姬之几生几世只为你
根据韩国人气动漫《雪姬》改编。雪姬继承了富豪乔先生几十亿家产,名义上是他的女儿,实际却是被隐藏多年的情人,他们之间究竟有什么秘密?乔先生离世后,雪姬低调回到霓虹市,却同时陷入两个当红男明星的绯闻中,这究竟是预谋还是巧合?雪姬的真实身份是什么,她回来的目的又是什么?如何掌控你的工作 如何掌控你的情绪