书友群:772462439 穿越成为李承乾,初次上朝便“情不自禁”的卖弄了一下自己“渊博”的知识,结果理想中的纨绔生活从此一去不复返 所以他决定将自己那些弟弟妹妹全都给培养成跟自己一样“优秀”的人才,自己好好享受腐败的生活,可谁曾想这下就出事了 “李承乾,这个皇位你要也得要,不要也得要,由不得你!”李二满脸愤怒的嘶吼着!“高明,你为长子,又是太子,皇位本该由你继承,为何你却如此不愿接受呢?”长孙无垢满脸无奈的劝解着 “大哥,小弟的志向是星辰大海,这个皇位还是你自己坐吧,不要害我啊!”李泰满脸嫌弃的摆着手 李承乾满脸无奈的仰望天空,然后指着一个七八岁的小屁孩道:“就你了,这个皇帝你来当!”致我们终将逝去的青春
一个星期天的上午,金色的阳光洒在家中的阳台上。我一边听着那些关于青春的歌碟,一边翻看着我青春时期所写的一些文字。那些已经泛黄的文字记录着我的成长,我的奋斗以及为青春而流泪的岁月:合川八年,永川八年,重庆八年……突然发现自己已人到中年,青春已经逝去,青春终将逝去!于是就有了一种强烈的冲动,要把这些虽已泛黄却是透着青春气息的文字收集整理出来,编成一本集子:致我们终将逝去的青春。Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions (#1)
Welcome to Dr. Critchlore's School for Minions, the premier trainer of minions for Evil Overlords everywhere. No student is prouder to be at Dr. Critchlore's than Runt Higgins, a twelve-year-old werewolf. (At least he thinks he's twelve. He was abandoned at the school as a baby, so he can't say for sure.) Runt loves everything about Dr. Critchlore's. He loves his classes—such as History of Henchmen and Introduction to Explosives. He loves his friends—such as Darthin the gargoyle and Syke the tree nymph. And he loves his foster family, who took him in when his wolf pack couldn't. But not everyone loves Dr. Critchlore's as much as Runt. After a series of disasters, each worse than the next, it's clear that someone is trying to shut the school down. It's up to Runt, who knows the place better than anybody, to figure out who's behind the attacks … and to save his home, and Dr. Critchlore himself, from total destruction.萌宝突袭:妈咪乖乖投降