【完结】患难与共、一同打天下的深情夫君,坐享天下时,竟然告诉她,他相中的是嫡姐,为了除去她,废她皇后位,打入冷宫,赐白绫!“轩辕睿,你好狠的心!若有来世,我化作厉鬼都不要放过你,还有你安云莺,你要记得你欠我的,我必定血债血偿!”她发誓,若有来生,定让害她负她的人血债血偿!侯门深宅,祖母淡然,父亲嫌弃她、后母残害她,姨娘设计她。嫡姐伪善?狠狠撕开你美人皮!兄长刁难?狠狠践踏他,毁他一世前程!庶妹陷害?直接巧计送你上黄泉路!这一世,她愿做毒女,不让前世的悲剧从新来过,即使逆天行道,万劫不复,下十八层地狱,她都要让这一生为自己而活,为爱她的人,她爱的人而活,步步谋划,步步算计。她运筹帷幄,翻手为云覆手为雨,既然你们无情,就别怪我无意。Christmas Forever (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 8
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)CHRISTMAS FOREVER is book #8—and the finale—in the #1 bestselling romance series THE INN AT SUNSET HARBOR, which begins with For Now and Forever (book #1)—a free download!Winter is coming in Sunset Harbor, and Emily Mitchell is nearing her third trimester. While they continue to develop their new private island, a new opportunity arises—one Emily had never anticipated, and which could change everything.