The Oriental Express 东方哈达:中国青藏铁路全景实录
《东方哈达:中国青藏铁路全景实录》采取“上行列车”与“下行列车”交错并行的叙述结构,把历史和现实贯穿在了一起。讲述了孙中山、毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民在修建青藏铁路上的决策细节、青藏铁路修筑中的难题以及筑路人鲜为人知的故事。Wintering Out
'Seamus Heaney has gone beyond the themes of his earlier poetry and has made the giant step towards the most ambitious, most intractable themes of maturity. The power of this book comes from a sense that he is reaching out towards a type of desolation and of isolation without which no imagination can be seen to have grown up.' Eavan Boland, Irish Times 'Keyed and pitched unlike any other significant poet at work in the language anywhere.' Harold Bloom, Times Literary Supplement