楚非凡和温婉从小在同一个大院长大,但就在入读大学之际,楚非凡临危受命接掌家族财团,成为商业新贵,温婉父母离婚,她负气出走,在流浪途中遇见了大方和小方。楚非凡找到温婉之后两个人坦露心迹,两人走到了一起。然而,背景神秘的BR集团少东家梁立也对温婉志在必得,北上入京,意图在内地商界立足,楚非凡所执掌的财团岌岌可危。在与楚非凡的误会中温婉负气和大方走上流浪之路,而此时的温婉和大方也还没有意识到,这一次流浪旅程,即将给他们的人生带来翻天覆地的变化……Love So Rare
When Dawn inherits half of a luxurious estate in South Africa, she's overjoyed--until she finds out that to keep the estate, she must marry the man who owns the other half: Ralf Deverell, whose golden good looks draw her in even as his cold, unwelcoming eyes freeze her out.Unwillingly, Dawn goes through with the arrangement. Sure, she can find some legal way out of it, but Ralf's presence fills her with an undeniable desire--and soon she realizes he burns for her, too. But can their love survive in such troubled circumstances?