男主版文案:她走的第一年,他希翼万分的想:只要你回来,我不会再让你受丝毫委屈。她离开的第六年,他绝望万分的说:谁若能找到她,我就把这诺大的家产给谁。她消失的第十二年,他午夜梦回时,让人为她打造了一把坚固的锁链。她不见的第十八年,末世来了,他······疯了。凌依,莫让我再找到你。女主版文案:当她知道自己痛苦一生只因为自己是一个恶毒女配时,她想要哭泣,却发现自己早已失去了哭泣的本能。一场机遇······当一切重来,已成为系统一部分的她,人生又会有怎样的变化? 1v1,双洁无公害肉鸡高效饲养技术
本系列图书涵盖了种植业、养殖业、加工和服务业,门类齐全,技术方法先进,专业知识权威,既有种植、养殖新技术,又有致富新门路、职业技能训练等方方面面,科学性与实用性相结合,可操作性强,图文并茂,让农民朋友们轻轻松松地奔向致富路;同时培养造就有文化、懂技术、会经营的新型农民,增加农民收入,提升农民综合素质,推进社会主义新农村建设。Been There, Run That
"This is what I want for entrepreneurs, especially for women: to believe in themselves, to dream bigger, reach higher, and to achieve success beyond their wildest expectations." —Kay KoplovitzBeen There, Run That is an anthology of blog posts by thought leaders in technology, media, e-commerce and life sciences, curated by Kay Koplovitz, founder of USA Network and chairman of Springboard Enterprises.In 2000, Koplovitz co-founded Springboard as an accelerator for an expert network of women entrepreneurs. In their first six months, Springboard companies raised over $165 million in total funding, and nearly $200 million in their first year.