对于女性而言,若想在这个社会生存,并且生活得很好,就必须让自己拥有出色的语言表达能力和为人处世的技巧。如何让自己脱颖而出,如何做一个不让须眉的巾帼、红颜,如何能让自己的生活工作更顺心,如何让自己成为一个受欢迎的人……一一找出决定性因素后,你会发现,交际是任何人都不能忽视的因素之一。而口才又是交际链条中极为关键的一环。所以,女人要想实现自己的追求,就不可忽视对自己语言表达能力的培养,更不能忽略自身交际能力的提升。本书就是要告诉各位女性读者,如何利用自身优势去经营自己的人脉,如何运用绝妙的语言技巧去织造完美的人际关系网,从而成为社交场上最受欢迎的人。Struts & Frets
Music is in Sammy's blood. His grandfather was a jazz musician, and Sammy's indie rock band could be huge one day—if they don't self-destruct first. Winning the upcoming Battle of the Bands would justify all their compromises and reassure Sammy that his life's dream could become a reality. But practices are hard to schedule when Sammy's grandfather is sick and getting worse, his mother is too busy to help either of them, and his best friend may want to be his girlfriend. Told in a voice that's honest and wry, Struts & Frets will resonate not only with teenage musicians but also with anyone who ever sat up all night listening to a favorite album, wondering if they'd ever find their place in the world.医起种田:农门医女山里汉