《曾国藩智慧全集》曾国藩的成功引起了后世的极大兴趣。无数的人都倾心于解读曾国藩人生成功的密码,甚至使其成为一门方兴未艾的“曾学”。但是由于曾氏著作以及有关曾氏智慧的书浩如烟海,有不少人不得不望而却步。有鉴于此,我们从曾氏智慧中精选了一些精华,编成这本《曾国藩智慧全集》,以供读者学习。本书力求从曾国藩的修身之术、做人绝学、处事之方、识人之智、用人之法、齐家之略、教育之方、为官之道、治军之谋、安邦之略十个方面手,全面地揭示曾国藩完成立德、立言、立功“三不朽”的诀窍与智慧。通过引述、举例、分析,深浅出地把曾国藩的思想精华和成功智慧一一呈现在读者面前,具有很强的参考价值和借鉴意义。Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
This is a dazzling collection of occasional writings by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist on subjects ranging from Thermopylae to the English Channel, and from Coral Island to Jules Verne. "e;A book of occasional essays which afford us many fascinating insights into Golding the man…It is highly individual yet profoundly modest; it has an unusual, slightly angular candour, full of painful knowledge and a beautiful humanity …event the slightest piece bears the mark of his rare, austere mind, his remarkable imagination…Even these occasional essays are enough to remind us that …there is not, at the moment, a writer to touch him"e;. (New Society).