大宋:燕狂徒独战天下。战神关七,先天破体无形剑气,无人可敌。李沉舟拳霸江湖、天欲宫震慑武林。四大名捕惩恶扬善,朝堂上下风起云涌。大隋:邪帝向雨田一手遮天,魔师庞斑覆雨翻云,邪王、阴后搅动天下。帝王谷主人傲视苍生。神剑山庄、无争山庄、孔雀山庄巍然而立。西门吹雪、叶孤城、陆小凤、楚留香.......Family Reunion
Eliot's haunting verse play, set in a country house in the north of England, was performed at the Westminster Theatre in London in March 1939, six months before the outbreak of war.'What is wonderful is the marvellous opening out of consciousness, the flowering of meaning, which makes the play an account of a spiritual experience. There are passages of great poetic beauty, and statements which are the fruits of a lifetime devoted to poetry.' Listener