“不用遮了,该看的不该看的我都看见了,”虽然刚救她于火海,但这该死的男人也太毒蛇了吧!果未未人生第一次头等舱又让毒蛇男小瞧,点一杯红酒怎么了,凭啥说我是陪酒的,士可杀不可辱!好赖我还是时尚杂志工作的小白领。真是丢人丢到姥姥家!大龄剩女怎么了!就活该被他误会是失足女性,如此几番践踏她的尊严,不过是救她一命而已,也不能太嚣张!怎么办?挽回声誉、弥补损失的最好办法就是嫁给他。没想到钻石男严辞拒婚:“打死也不会娶你!”可是,半路杀出的“未来婆婆”,却对她说:“放心,我会让我儿子娶你的……”且看婆媳联手大作战,彻底收服钻石男!I Hated to Do It
For over 40 years, Donald C. Farber was Kurt Vonnegut's attorney, literary agent, and close friend. In this deeply felt memoir, Farber offers a rare portrait of Vonnegut that is both candid and entertaining. A renowned entertainment lawyer with a largely famous clientele and a highly acclaimed author in his own right, Farber provides colorful anecdotes that detail the daily realities of working with Vonnegut from the perspective of the person who knew him best. The millions of fans around the world who mourned Vonnegut's passing will treasure this new and intimate portrait of him, not just as an acclaimed author, but also as a witty, eclectic, and brave personality that contributed greatly to our culture.