她,Night组织领导人,遭人算计,坠机而亡。重生而来,成了千家的……废物二少?好吧,那就让他替原主活的更精彩些!只不过,一不小心太精彩,成了国民男神!当他身份暴露,全民沸腾,他从此天天收到情书。某男无奈,霸气宣主:谁敢挖我墙角?从此,送书之人销声匿迹。Poison Most Vial
Murder in the lab! The famous forensic scientist Dr. Ramachandran is stone-cold dead, and Ruby Rose's father is the prime suspect. It's one more reason for Ruby to hate the Gardens, the funky urban neighborhood to which she has been transplanted. Wise but shy, artistic but an outsider, Ruby must marshal everything and everyone she can to help solve the mystery and prove her father didn't poison his boss. Everyone? The list isn't too long: there's T. Rex, Ruby's big, goofy but goodhearted friend; maybe those other two weird kids from class; and that mysterious old lady in the apartment upstairs, who seems to know a lot about chemistry … which could come in very wkkk.net for Poison Most Vial“Carey mixes toxic chemistry and logic problems in his second middle-grade mystery to good, if not great effect. Budding chemists and crime-scene investigators will especially enjoy this science whodunit."事说石嘴山