《职场奋斗记:我在职场二十年》是由国内知名作家雾满拦江先生总结其在职场二十年来的人生经验编写而成的。作者从社会博弈学的角度描述了亲身经历的职场真实事件,旨在帮助我们掌握一种能力:获得机会的能力。职场中的许多人并不缺乏能力,而是缺乏机会,他们空有一身才华,却无法获得让自己展示的人生舞台。在书中,雾满拦江先生将会告诉你:获得机会的能力远比工作能力更重要,如果你没有能力获得,那么你的工作能力也几近毫无价值。读者朋友们,如果你想获得施展才华的机会,那么就有必要从雾满拦江二十年的得失中学习一些博弈的基本常识。Useless Bay
On Whidbey Island, the Gray quintuplets are the stuff of legend. Pixie and her brothers have always been bigger and blonder than their neighbors, as if they were birthed from the island itself. Together, they serve as an unofficial search-and-rescue team for the island, saving tourists and locals alike from the forces of wind and sea. But, when a young boy goes missing, the mysteries start to pile up. While searching for him, they find his mother's dead body instead —and realize that something sinister is in their midst. Edgar-nominated author M. J. Beaufrand has crafted another atmospheric thriller with a touch of magical realism that fans of mystery and true crime will devour.