秋璃月,21世纪圣手神医,在医术界遭人嫉恨,被人谋杀,意外穿越到一个不知名的朝代。好吧,穿越了就穿越了,但素爹不疼娘不爱是怎么回事?爹不疼娘不爱也算了,被各位兄弟姐妹欺负又是怎么回事?算了吧,秋璃月已经认命了,既然已经认命了,但素这个种马未婚夫又是怎么回事?谁能够告诉她啊?好吧好吧!大不了就离家出走吧!大不了一封休书就休了这个种马吧!自己医术超群,还怕在这个时代活不了吗?就在秋璃月满天大嚎的时候,某男突然就抱住了她,邪邪一笑:“小月儿,你是本王的,不许想其他人!”“才不是!我是我自己的!”某女的否定最后换来了却是某男的一吻:“有了这个,你就是本王的了!”秋璃月:“……”变态!Scorpion God
This title comes with an introduction by Craig Raine. Three short novels show Golding at his playful, ironic and mysterious best. In The Scorpion God we see the world of ancient Egypt at the time of the earliest pharaohs. Clonk Clonk is a graphic account of a crippled youth's triumph over his tormentors in a primitive matriarchal society. And Envoy Extraordinary is a tale of Imperial Rome where the emperor loves his illegitimate grandson more than his own arrogant, loutish heir. "The writing is brilliant, so fluent and stylish that the stories read themselves like a dream. "(Daily Telegraph). "As ambitious and as engrossing as the best of Golding. "(Financial Times).