《刘玉民作品全集(茅盾文学奖获奖者作品集)》收录了第四届茅盾文学奖得主刘玉民创作的十部作品,其中包括长篇小说《骚动之秋》、《过龙兵》、《羊角号》,长篇报告文学《东方奇人传》、《都市之梦》,剧作选《呼唤阳光》、《四个女人一台戏》、《黄河之水天上来》,散文集《爱你生命的每一天》,诗歌集《山东竹枝词》,全面展示了作者深厚的文化底蕴和对生活的关注与思考。What's Eating Gilbert Grape
Adapted into the classic 1993 film starring Johnny Depp as Gilbert and Leonardo DiCaprio in his Academy Award–nominated role as Arnie, What's Eating Gilbert Grape is the touching and entertaining story of an unusual family that rises up to do the astonishing…Gilbert Grape is a 24-year-old grocery store clerk stuck in Endora, Iowa, where the population is 1,091 and shrinking. After the suicide of Gilbert's father, his family never recovered. Once the town beauty queen, Gilbert's mother is morbidly obese after seven years of house-bound depression; his younger sister is boy-crazy and God-fearing, while his older sister sacrifices everything for her family. And then there's Arnie, Gilbert's younger brother with special needs. With no one else to care for Arnie, Gilbert becomes his brother's main parent, and all four siblings must tend to the needs of their helpless, grieving mother.