每一朵花,都是一个春天,盛开馥郁芬芳;每一粒沙,都是一个世界,搭建小小天堂;每一颗心,都是一盏灯光,把地球村点亮!借助图书为你的生活添一丝色彩。这是一套包罗生活万象的、有趣的书,向读者介绍了不可不知的中的常识。包括文学常识、地理常识、历史常识、安全常识、文化常识、动物常识、植物常识、科技常识、天文常识、生活常识等。这些都是一些生活常识性的问题,说大不大,说小不小,因为零散,平时想了解又难以查找,我们将这些你们可能感兴趣的、富有趣味的日常生活中日积月累的宝贵经验搜集并编辑成册,以便您在遇到问题时随时查询,轻松解决生活中的问题。A Kiss for Queens (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six)
"Morgan Rice's imagination is limitless. In another series that promises to be as entertaining as the previous ones, A THRONE OF SISTERS presents us with the tale of two sisters (Sophia and Kate), orphans, fighting to survive in a cruel and demanding world of an orphanage. An instant success. I can hardly wait to put my hands on the second and third books!"--Books and Movie Reviews (Roberto Mattos)The new #1 Bestselling epic fantasy series by Morgan Rice!In A KISS FOR QUEENS (A Throne for Sisters—Book Six), it is time for Sophia to come into her own. It is time for her to lead an army, to lead a nation, to step up and be the commander of the most epic battle the realm may ever see. Her love, Sebastian, remains imprisoned and set to be executed. Will they reunite in time?卡耐基写给成功男人(全集)