傲娇女神卓一曼撩了十年的男神眼看就要到手,却阴沟里翻了船,一头栽进无赖怀。初次见面,她成功偷看了他底裤颜色,逃走时嚣张地给他竖了一根中指。再见面,他把她逼进了洗手间,“女人,你要对我负责!”“先生,玩不起别来夜店!在这里谈负责,会被人耻笑的!”她笑得风情万种。“原来卓小姐喜欢只做不说!”男人邪魅一笑,伸出食指,“你送我中指,我还你食指,如何?”她和男神的订婚宴上,他拿着她的私密物品出现,“这位新郎,你未婚妻破了我的身,你看怎么赔?”失去男神,丢尽颜面。卓一曼气得咬牙切齿:姓秦的,老娘跟你没完!情节虚构,请勿模仿Soft Velvet Night
When shy, self-effacing Shivonne takes a position as companion to a wealthy elderly lady, she never dreams her new job will lead to love. But her employer has other plans. She's desperate to distract her handsome son, Kurt, from the cold, arrogant heiress he's currently pursuing with single-minded attention--and she thinks a lovely, soft-spoken Irish girl is just the temptation she needs to get the job done. But Shivonne would never dream of trying to compete with a beautiful heiress. Until she meets Kurt--and falls desperately in love.魅王爆宠:逆天小医妃