本书共分两个部分,上卷是陕西分社简史,依照国家重大历史时期和分社发展的不同阶段,按时间先后或专题进行叙述,上限由1936年12月“西安事变”后红中社西安分社成立写起,下限至2016年12月,时间跨度为80年。80年来,新华人一脉相承,薪火相传,继往开来,奋勇向前。下卷为“作品集萃”收入陕西分社多年来采访的新闻作品近200篇,作品记录了陕西省各个历史时期发生的重大事件、政治、经济和社会发展变化,以及科研成果和建设成就等。The Terrible Two Go Wild
Everyone's favorite pranksters are at it again! School's out, and Miles and Niles are running wild in the woods outside town: climbing trees, exploring caves, and, yes, pranking. But these leafy, lazy days of mischief darken when bully Josh Barkin and his cadets from a nearby kids' boot camp discover the merrymakers—and vow to destroy them. Are our heroes' sharp minds any match for these hooligans' hard fists? The latest installment of the witty, on-target illustrated series is another "fast paced, laugh-out-loud novel" (School Library Journal) that proves once again that, in the hands of the powerless, pranks can be tools of justice—plus, they're funny.