The Everafter War (Sisters Grimm #7)
Picking up after the dramatic cliffhanger that ended Book Six, Sabrina and Daphne's prayers are finally answered when their parents awake from their sleeping spell. But their happy reunion is short-lived, as they are caught in the middle of a war between the Scarlet Hand and Prince Charming's Everafter army. As the family works to help the prince's ragtag group of rebels and protect their friends, Sabrina comes face-to-face with the family's deadliest enemy—the mysterious Master—who reveals a secret so shocking it will rock the entire family to its core.随身空间之农妇大小姐
历史写作的巅峰,销售累计超过2000万册的全球超级畅销书,震撼36国读者心灵的史诗巨作,不读“二战史诗三部曲”,就等于不了解二战!关于命运及其转折点的战争史诗。“二战史诗三部曲”每本书都有一个主题(《最长的一天》是“勇气”,《遥远的桥》是“失败”,《最后一役》是“生存”),但关注的都是人的命运,确切地说,这是人如何改变命运的故事。在远离战争的和平年代,它让千万读者在阅读中获得精神的鼓舞,陪伴他们度过生命中低沉黯淡的时光,迎来人生的转机;在欧美,它被父亲当作“成人礼图书”(grown-up book)送给年轻读者,希望其中的阳刚之美给青少年尤其是男孩子成长的心灵带去坚强。