天雪,二十一世纪喋血特工,隶属联合国特工总部,智慧超群,武艺高强,带领手下四名队员纵横国际十几年,从无败绩,最终引起公愤,惨遭多方势力联合反击报复而亡。再次睁开双眼,已是沧泽大陆护国将军府大小姐北堂天雪。重活一世,天雪发誓:掌握自己的命运,活得肆意潇洒,快意恩仇,不枉此生。朝堂纷争,风起云涌,江湖恩仇,血雨腥风,七国皇室,野心勃勃,烽火连天,硝烟四起。时势造英雄,当一切尘埃落定,北堂天雪站在大陆的顶端,回头一望,迎来的是那风华无双的男子始终温柔的笑意和不变的深情。锦绣江山,盛世繁华,有你陪伴,不枉此生。Forever, With You (The Inn at Sunset Harbor—Book 3
"Sophie Love's ability to impart magic to her readers is exquisitely wrought in powerfully evocative phrases and descriptions….This is the perfect romance or beach read, with a difference: its enthusiasm and beautiful descriptions offer an unexpected attention to the complexity of not just evolving love, but evolving psyches. It's a delightful recommendation for romance readers looking for a touch more complexity from their romance reads."--Midwest Book Review (Diane Donovan re For Now and Forever)"A very well written novel, describing the struggle of a woman (Emily) to find her true identity. The author did an amazing job with the creation of the characters and her description of the environment. The romance is there, but not overdosed. Kudos to the author for this amazing start of a series that promises to be very entertaining."--Books and Movies Reviews, Roberto Mattos (re For Now and Forever)