《发展传播学视角下的经济报道》以发展传播学为视角。以二十一年来获中国新闻奖特别奖、一等奖的通讯社类和报纸类经济报道为研究对象,探讨经济报道与中国这样一个后发现代化国家发展之间的关系。《发展传播学视角下的经济报道》认为,获奖经济报道是国家主流意识的体现,具有主要来自以党政机关报(社)为代表的主流媒体、正面反映经济社会主流价值、兼具组织传播与大众传播双重职能、舆论引导和宣传诉求强烈、专业性有待提升等特点。而中国未来的经济报道及经类媒体应努力提升社会责任意识和专业性,朝信息化、情报开发、数据库建设方向推进,并助力于国民塑造理性、健康的现代经济人格。The Kennedy Years: From the Pages of The New York
The year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era's top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history's most fascinating figures.