这个大千世界无时无刻不在吸引孩子好奇的目光。他们的小脑袋里总会接二连三地蹦出各种各样的问题。本书从力、热、声、光、电等几大部分,介绍我们在日常生活中常常遇到的那些再自然不过的现象,为善于思考和勇于创新者掀起物理神秘的面纱,揭示高新技术背后的奥秘。Daddy, We Hardly Knew You
Influential feminist writer and intellectual Germaine Greer tracks the life of her father, an Australian intelligence officer during World War II, who died in her childhood. A secretive man, Reg Greer took pains to hide his working-class roots. As she painstakingly assembles the jigsaw pieces of his life, Germaine discovers surprising secrets about her father, her family, and herself.Obsessed with family history, Greer is chasing not just her father's life story, but the parental love she always felt deprived of. Brimming with emotion, loss, regret, fury, and the intense depth of love, this book offers a moving climax--as well as sharp observations about Australian culture during the war.