新书【星光璀璨:金主一抱好欢喜】欢迎大家前来阅读!当天才的她,穿越为异世界懦弱的‘她’。强大魔兽???至强法宝???神器炼丹???不好意思,她仰天狂笑,手张狂一揽,这些都是她的。他,一个神秘的男人,势力强大,实力更强大,时而冷酷时而缠人,时而妖孽时而狡猾。世人看不清他的真面目,却知道,他名叫邪帝。世人皆知她是个男人,但他却一眼识破她的身份。对她软磨硬对,绝不放手。他曰:只要你想要,不择手段也要让你得到!且看他们强强联手,纵横大陆。上演一场震惊世界的升级历程!On the Edge of Gone
A thrilling, thought-provoking novel from one of young-adult literature's boldest new talents. January 29, 2035. That's the day the comet is scheduled to hit —the big one. Denise and her mother and sister, Iris, have been assigned to a temporary shelter outside their hometown of Amsterdam to wait out the blast, but Iris is nowhere to be found, and at the rate Denise's drug-addicted mother is going, they'll never reach the shelter in time. A last-minute meeting leads them to something better than a temporary shelter —a generation ship, scheduled to leave Earth behind to colonize new worlds after the comet hits. But everyone on the ship has been chosen because of their usefulness. Denise is autistic and fears that she'll never be allowed to stay. Can she obtain a spot before the ship takes flight? What about her mother and sister? When the future of the human race is at stake, whose lives matter most?四种爱
一本洞彻人心的爱之经典,一部完美解读爱的文学名著!J.K.罗琳最喜爱的作家——英国著名文学家c.s.刘易斯散文作品中最脍炙人口的一本。爱是人类永恒的主题,是你我能彼此理解、包容和帮助的唯一方式。在本书中,C. S. 刘易斯以丰富的人生经验、睿智的洞察力和厚重绝美的笔力深刻剖析了爱的种种美德与缺欠,开阔了我们的视野,全面挖掘了爱,揭示了爱的真谛。